Wireless Activity Monitoring

The WAM-X25 Wireless Activity Monitor is a compact tablet-style, multi-band Radio Frequency (RF) signal detector for handheld or desktop use. It is designed for detection and logging of transmissions from all types of radio frequency devices.
The WAM-X25 Wireless Activity Monitor is a compact tablet-style, multi-band Radio Frequency (RF) signal detector for handheld or desktop use. It is designed for detection and logging of transmissions from all types of radio frequency devices. The WAM-X25 provides complete coverage and logging of all RF activity in the surrounding area.

WAM-X25 Video
See the new WAM-X25 Wireless Activity Monitor in action. Detecting Cellular 2G/3G/4G/5G, 2.4GHz/5GHz Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, Wideband 0-14 GHz. Plus a new Wi-Fi Network/Bluetooth Analyser and Direction Find Function. All in a compact tablet sized package.
Wideband Detection
The 0-14 GHz Wideband detector provides the highest range of coverage of all RF activity in the target area. The frequency of the detected signal (up to 6GHz) can be seen simultaneously and the ‘Livescan’ software shows the detected live signal pattern graphically to help identify the signal type. This can be particularly useful when searching for pulsing or burst devices such as GPS trackers.
Worldwide Cellular Band Detection
The WAM-X5 has separate Worldwide multiband Cellular coverage. Simply select the international region the device is being used in and the WAM-X25 will detect signals from all the relevant local cellular bands. This means the WAM-X25 is ready for the rollout of the latest 5G devices, worldwide. Of course, all existing 2G, 3G and 4G bands will also be covered. It can be used in any environment where cellular devices are forbidden such as sensitive meeting rooms to check for hidden devices, unauthorised mobile phone usage in offices, exam halls, hospitals, or prisons and in vehicles to locate the latest Vehicle/Asset tracking devices. All cellular activity is logged and can be reviewed at a at any time, graphically or in list format.
2.4 GHz & 5GHz Wi-Fi Detection
The WAM-X25 has a separate 2.4 GHz & 5 GHz bands for detecting the rapidly growing threat from Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/Video and other latest generation ‘Store & Forward’ devices. Such devices can for example, record audio over long periods and then transmit it in short regular bursts. It will also detect other devices that use these bands such as covert wireless video transmitters.
Wi-Fi Network Analyser
The WAM-X25 features a new Independent Wi-Fi Network (2.4 & 5GHz) Analyser to provide detailed activity information about WLAN networks in the surrounding area such as Hotspots, Routers, Wi-Fi cameras etc. The device will scan through detected Wi-Fi Access Points/Clients and compile a detailed list of information: Date & Time of Event, Wi-Fi MAC Address, Manufacturer (If available), Type (Access point or Client), Number of Data Packets detected, Wi-Fi SSID (If available) and band (2.4 or 5 GHz)
Bluetooth Device Analyser
The WAM-X25 also features a built-in Bluetooth analyser to list nearby active Bluetooth devices such as Smartphones, Tablets, headphones, fitness trackers etc. Information gathered includes: Date & Time of Event, Bluetooth MAC Address, Manufacturer (If available), Signal Strength in dBm and number of Data Packets detected.
Direction Find Function
The new direction find mode enables the user to locate the source of a detected RF signal by rotating the WAM-X25 through 360 degrees using the supplied directional antenna. By slowly rotating the unit, signal strength information is gathered and plotted graphically over 360 degrees to give the user an accurate indication of the detected signal source.

Detects 2G/3G/4G and the latest 5G devices - plus Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/2.4GHz & 5GHz Devices
Detects Mobile Phones, Smartphones, GPS Trackers, SMS (Texts), GSM Bugs, 3G/4G/5G Video, Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Devices, Store & Forward devices
Worldwide Cellular Coverage - Simply select the relevant region of use
Separate Wideband RF Detector 0-14 GHz with Audio Demodulation
Separate 2.4GHz & 5GHz Wi-Fi Detector
Wi-Fi Network Analyser provides data on nearby WLAN networks
Bluetooth Device Analyser provides data on nearby Bluetooth devices.
Direction Find Function for pin-pointing signal sources
Event Log records Time/Date, Band, Duration & Signal Strength of up to 10,000 Events
Log can be viewed on screen or saved to USB stick for storage/viewing on a computer
Graph Mode plots real time or historical graph of all detected cellular bands
Widescreen High Resolution 7-inch Colour TFT Display
Adjustable Omnidirectional & Directional Antennas
Machined aluminium enclosure for maximum durability

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